Ever get frustrated about having to go to the course alone? Do you have no one to play golf with?

 It can be extremely inconvenient having to golf alone at a crowded course or having to golf with random people who you do not click with.


To avoid the pain of having to golf solo, below are 7 simple ways to make golf friends.

  • Get friends hooked on golf
  • Get family hooked on golf
  • Join a work league or golf with work colleagues
  • Become a member of a local golf club
  • Sign up for a league at your home course
  • Search Golf Forums for golf friends
  • Use Golf Apps like Tee Up or TeeMates Golf to find golfers.

1. get yOur current friends hooked on golf

Not wanting to make new friends but yet wanting to find a way to not golf alone? 

Get your friends addicted to golf and you will never have to find a random foursome to golf with again! Plus you get to hang out with your friends and have a blast!

 If your friends are completely new to golf or only golf once or twice a year, I would start out with a scramble in an outing or on an empty course. 

Advise them to get lessons, so they can see some improvement in their game and get hooked to the process of continually trying to get better at this great game.

Golf Friends

2. Get your family addicted to golf

This solution is a win-win. You get to have more quality time with the ones you love and get to fix your golf itch!

Whether it be a spouse, kids, parents, or in-laws, golfing with family is a sure way to bond and have a good time together.

If you have a baby or a toddler(s) and still want to get some golf in while spending quality time with them, check out these articles on 15 Proven Ways to Golf with a Baby or Toddler and 6 Ways to Golf with a Baby Stroller.

Advise your family members new to golf to get lessons so they can see the steady improvement and get hooked to golf.

Great life lessons can also be learned when teaching your kids how to golf.

Golfing With Family
My Brother, Dad, and I in 2017

3. join a work league (or try to find a few colleagues to golf)

Having a good time on the golf course and networking with coworkers will only benefit your career. It will give you something else to talk about at work. 

Make sure you know golf course etiquette, you don’t want to upset other golfers and be “that guy” who annoys other golfers without knowing it.

It could give you a leg up for promotions as you build a relationship with your bosses.

If your company does not have a work league you can try to create one. You could also bring up golf around your favorite colleagues and see if any of them would want to golf after work.

4. become a member of a local semi-private or private golf course

Being a member of a course has various benefits along with meeting golf friends. You get access to competitions and leagues that the general public does not. 

You will also find like-minded individuals who have a love for the game. Sign up for these events and be present at the course and you will be bound to find various people to fill your tee times.

5. go to your favorite course and sign up for a league

Many municipal and semi-private courses have leagues where anyone can join with a small league fee. This would be a great way to meet friends, as you and a partner play the other 8-20 teams in a round-robin format. 

These leagues are usually once a week after work and go from mid-Spring to late summer.

6. get involved in a golf forum to find golf friends

Want to have fun discussing the game you love and finding people to golf with? Join a forum, where the golf banter is endless and you can find great people to play with.

I would check out the following forums in no particular order.

Hackers Paradise is a great forum that talks about anything and everything golf related. Their strongest points over other forums are the club-making side of golf, golf tech such as launch monitors, simulators, GPS, etc., and golf apparel. 

Golf WRX forum is heavier on the equipment and accessories discussion. There is also a great section about swing and fitness advice, along with regional groups where you could meet up and play with people.

Reddit’s golf community is 542,000 strong and has various discussions about anything and everything golf related. Reddit is the go-to site if you are looking for golf humor.

No Laying Up’s Refuge forum often has friendly competitions that would be a great way to meet people. They have groups that are regional based so there’s a great chance you could find someone to golf with close to you.

7. Use app like tee up or teemates golf to find new golfers

Tee Up and TeeMates Golf connects you with people to golf with in your region. It allows you to find matches or groups and can filter based on age, handicap skills, or interests you can relate to. 

Tee Up is like Tinder for golfers. You can view people’s profiles and send a friend request or directly message them if you would want to golf with them.

TeeMates Golf is like Facebook for avid golfers.

  • Make a profile
  • Send out Friend Requests
  • Create or Join tee times
  • Create Golf Course Review Posts
  • Post Videos of your Swing
  • Post Videos of the Golf Course

8. sign up for tee times as a single at your local course

The simplest way to make golf friends is to sign up as a single at your local course. 

You will most likely be paired with 2-3 random golfers. This may take several times, but you should be able to find a few golf buddies if you golf with random groups of golfers.

If you do end up golfing solo, you will most likely catch up to other golfers who should (hopefully) let you play through or join up. If you’re not allowed to play through, here are our favorite tips for golfing alone.

9. use social media such as Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram to meet golfers

Facebook has regional golfing groups and most courses have facebook profiles you could post in to find tee times.

Interacting with Twitter or Instagram profiles of golf courses and golf associations can help you find tee times.

Final Thoughts:

Golf is a sport where it is meant to be enjoyed in the company of others. A little friendly competition is a blast whether it’s playing with randoms or playing with friends or family. This list will help you make more golf friends, the days of golfing solo will be behind you.

Just be yourself and get out there and enjoy the game! If people see your love and happiness for the game, you will attract like-minded golfers.

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